Monday, December 7, 2009

The Young Victoria

The wonderfully romantic and beautifully photographed movie, The Young Victoria, tells the story of Victoria's struggle for the throne and her love affair with Prince Albert. Emily Blunt captivates as Victoria and deservedly won The British Artist of the Year Award. Rupert Friend is also charming and sympathetic as Prince Albert. The very handsome Paul Bettany, however, almost outshone him as the debonair Lord Melbourne!

Any fan of historical drama is sure to love this film which starts in American cinemas on 12/18! The official website is at: >The Young Victoria. The movie also has a Facebook site.

A Favourite Scene From The Movie


Christina said...

So beautiful - thank you! What a wonderful man Albert was! A true Renaissance Prince in every way - musician, artist, scientist, statesman, wonderful father...and so handsome!!!

Kittie Howard said...

I so totally love this! Historical drama is my "thing"...and honestly, like a kid before Christmas, can't wait! And, Viola, this comment section popped up easily. A friend suggested a satelite passed overhead at the same instant I clicked...

Viola said...

Thank you so much, Christina and Kittie. I am not sure whether I would have wanted Albert as a father, Christina! He was lovely to Vicky but some of the other children found him very intimidating.

Kittie, I wonder if that will happen again. It's a great example of serendipity!

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